
Showing posts from October, 2023


How are you so perfect, Some rear kind of species, So different from other kinds of human beings. Maybe it's my imagination,  The way am so into you and your beautiful soul, The way you stare right into my soul. Those stainless white and brown eyes, That warm body, Those smooth hands, That warm and converting voice. Minutes from you feel like an endless walk through a dark forest with no trail, Sinking into my obsession over you, Not minding whether am saved or not, Only wondering how perfect you are.


As the sun falls,  The moon rises,  All alone sitted at my wind side, Sweet sounds coming from outside. Holding on to your shirt,  Just to scent the aroma you left behind, Trying to control myself from thinking about you. Taking deep breaths in and out, Promising myself not to devote towards those memories,  But I just can't help it because your sensational aroma is still roaming around me.


 My reason to feel safe,  Cover me so that i can escape, Escape this cruel world, engaged in disappointment. Wipe my tires when i cry, Hold on to my hand when am slipping away, Promise to stay when they leave, Oh, my dear do not stab me in the back like they did, Cover me when it is cold, Believe in me when they do not because your faith in me is my reason to move forward. These are the things I feel are happening under your covers.


Those eyes that shine brighter, With the help of the sun, The honey brown color projected, Leaving me speechless. Thinking about how lucky I am to have you, That glowing chocolate skin, Attracting who even lays their eyes on you, Wondering what you are made of, Every time I wake up to your magnificent self, Words of century can not describe your appearance, But all I know is you are my lovely creature.


Feeling the sense of weakness, Laziness with in my body, Smiling with no reason,  All on my own, Brain going lucid over the slightest and craziest thoughts. My friends telling me how am overthinking things, Talking about how I am amazed by the simple things you do, One of them suggested that I needed rehab, Since you seem to be like a drug am addicted to. Cancelling all plans that I have with friends, Just to get time to be with you, Like the chapters of a book, You are that one chapter I do not want to finish, The imagination of reading you for ever, Feels like reliving a dream come true over and over again, If you are a drug, I would be glad to use all my life savings on you.


  I am Nalule Damalie a new blogger here from UGANDA . AT the start of my school life, I have always felt like FINE ART would be and must be my future come rain come sunshine, it reached a time when every where I went for those who knew me in school were not surprised by anything that I did or I would be doing in my life because they all had it that i was an ARTIST. I reached an extent were by i felt like i was a normal and regular person like every body else and to be honest i do not like being like everyone else in life.  UNIQUENESS has always been something i love in that even in my art i always choose abstract art in order to be a different artist. My way of drawing was different from my classmates in PRIMARY and SECONDARY so the art journey was good until my results for form SIX that led to a heart broken, thought and felt like my journey had ended and then my family came in to rescue me from my darkness .  FAMILY is one things that never lets some of us down, they held my